While taking TSM Database backup, the db backup might fail with the following error code "ANR2983E Database backup terminated due to environment or setup issue related to DSMI_DIR - DB2 sqlcode -2033 sqlerrmc 168". This error is mainly seen in Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1 on all the platforms. The following error codes will be seen in the TSM activity log.
ANR2983E Database backup terminated due to environment or setup issue related to DSMI_DIR - DB2 sqlcode -2033 sqlerrmc 168. (SESSION: 108, PROCESS: 3)
ANR1361I Output volume /tsm/fsname/94712603.DBV closed.(SESSION: 108, PROCESS: 3)
ANR0515I Process 3 closed volume /tsm/fsname/94712603.DBV. (SESSION: 108, PROCESS: 3)
ANR0985I Process 3 for Database Backup running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at 01:10:04 PM. (SESSION: 108, PROCESS: 3)
Troubleshooting ANR2983E (TSM DB backup failure) error
In Unix & Linux platforms, starting with Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1, it is no longer necessary to set the API password during a manual configuration of the server. If you set the API password during the manual configuration process, the TSM database backup might fail.
Also Read: Take TSM DB backup immediately if you notice these messages
Also Read: Take TSM DB backup immediately if you notice these messages
If you use the Tivoli Storage Manager configuration wizard to create a Tivoli Storage Manager server instance, you do not have to complete these steps. If you are configuring an instance manually, complete the following steps before you issue either the BACKUP DB or the RESTORE DB commands.
The values and directory paths given below might be different in your TSM environment. Replace the example values with your actual values of server instance user ID, Tivoli Storage Manager server instance directory, and the server instance users home directory.
Steps to do on AIX & Linux Operating Systems to fix the above issue
Step 1: First, set the Tivoli Storage Manager API environment-variable configuration for the database instance:
- Log in using the tsminst1 user ID.
- When user tsminst1 is logged in, ensure that the DB2 environment is properly initialized. The DB2 environment is initialized by running the /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile script, which normally runs automatically from the profile of the user ID. Ensure the .profile file exists in the instance users home directory, for example, /home/tsminst1/.profile. If .profile does not run the db2profile script, add the following lines:
if [ -f /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then
. /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile
- For the instance_directory/sqllib/userprofile file, add the following lines:
- For the instance_directory/sqllib/usercshrc file, add the following lines:
setenv DSMI_CONFIG=server_instance_directory/tsmdbmgr.opt
setenv DSMI_DIR=server_bin_directory/dbbkapi
setenv DSMI_LOG=server_instance_directory
Step 2: Log out and log in again as tsminst1, or issue this command:
. ~/.profile
Ensure that you enter a space after the initial dot (.) character.
Step 3: Create a file that is called tsmdbmgr.opt in the server_instance directory, which is in the /tsminst1 directory in this example, and add the following line:
The SERVERNAME that you use must be consistent in the tsmdbmgr.opt and dsm.sys files.
Also Read: Taking TSM server DB backup when the server is down
Also Read: Taking TSM server DB backup when the server is down
Step 4: As root user, add the following lines to the Tivoli Storage Manager API dsm.sys configuration file. The dsm.sys configuration file is in the following default location server_bin_directory/dbbkapi/dsm.sys
commmethod tcpip
tcpserveraddr localhost
tcpport 1500
errorlogname /tsminst1
nodename $$_TSMDBMGR_$$
Steps to do on Windows Operating Systems
Step 1: Create a file that is called tsmdbmgr.env in the d:\tsmserver1 directory with the following contents:
Step 2: Set the DSMI_ api environment-variable configuration for the database instance:
Open a DB2 command window. One method is to go to the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\db2\bin directory, or if you installed Tivoli Storage Manager in a different location, go to the db2\bin subdirectory in your main installation directory. Then, issue this command:
Issue this command:
db2set -i server1 DB2_VENDOR_INI=d:\tsmserver1\tsmdbmgr.env
Also Read: Steps to do after successful TSM DB restore
Also Read: Steps to do after successful TSM DB restore
Step 3: Create a file that is called tsmdbmgr.opt in the d:\tsmserver1 directory with the following contents:
nodename $$_TSMDBMGR_$$
commmethod tcpip
tcpserveraddr localhost
tcpport 1500
passwordaccess generate
errorlogname d:\tsmserver1
For more tech note Troubleshooting ANR2983E Database backup error
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