This is the continuation for the previous post IBM Spectrum Protect Basic Interview Questions. If you need to learn IBM Spectrum Protect freely visit the page Tivoli Storage Manager Tutorials.
16) Common reasons for Tape Library issues ?
Check if
- Has the o/s changed.
- Has the host bus adaptor Or scsi adapter connecting to the device updated or replaced.
- Has the adapter firmware changed
- Has the cabling between the computer and device changed
- Are any of the cable connections loose
- Has the device driver changed
17) What to do if drive goes offline ?
Try to make it online using update drive command
Update drive libraryname drivename online=yes.
If it is not coming to online then do power cycling means power on/off.
18) How to check the actlog for hardware errors ?
Run the follwoing command to find the hardware and tape drive errors
q actlog se=hardware begind=-1
19) What to u do when the drive paths are offline?
Update the drive path by using
Update path sourcename destinationname sourcetype=server destinationtype=drive library=libraryname online=yes
20) How to define a library ?
define libray libraryname libtype=scsi shared=yes/no
define drive libraryname drivename
21) How to define a path for library ?
define path sourcename destinationname sourcetype=server destinationtype=library device=devicename
22) How to define drive ?
define drive libraryname drivename online=yes/no
23) How to define drive path ?
define path sourcename destinationname sourcetype=server destinationtype=drive library=libraryname device=device name
24) How to checkin tapes into library?
checkin libvol libraryname volumename search=no/yes/bulk status=private/scratch checklabel=yes
Yes: server searches inside the library for volumes that are to be checked in.
Bulk: server searches for the library I/o ports that are to be checked in automatically.
25) How to checkout tapes from library ?
checkout libvol libraryname volumename remove=yes/no/bulk.
26) How to Label a volume ?
label libvol libraryname volumename checkin=scratch labelsource=barcode checklabel=yes/barcoede search=yes/no/bulk
27) How to define a device class ?
define deviceclass deviceclassname devicetype=file directory=/filedev/ maxcapacity=sizeinmb (if it is a file device class)
define deviceclass deviceclassname devicetype=lto libr=libraryname (if it is a Tape device class)
28) How to audit library ?
audit library libraryname checklabel=barcode/yes
If checklabel=barcode, then it will audit by using only checking barcode labels, if you specify YES, it will read the inside the label of each tape volume in order to audit the library.
29) How to Audit volume ?
audit volume volumename fix=yes/no
If you use fix=yes, then TSM will delete the data which is corrupted and if you use fix=no, TSM will only report the damaged data information but will not delete it.
30) what will u do when the library is full ?
- First check if all the DR volumes are checked out from the library and sent to offsite by using command
q drmedia * where state=mountable
- Otherwise use move data command to move the data manually.
- Start reclamation and see if it generates any scratch tapes.
- Check out all the primary storage tapes with status=FULL to make room for scratch tapes.
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