The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client helps you protect information on your workstation. Using Tivoli Storage Manager, you can maintain backup versions of your workstation files that you can restore if the original files are damaged or lost. You can also archive workstation or server files that you do not currently need, preserve them in their current state, and retrieve them when necessary.
TSM B/A Client Interfaces Overview
You can access Tivoli Storage Manager backup and archive features:
- Locally through the backup-archive client graphical user interface (GUI).
- Locally through the client command line interface.
- Remotely or locally through the Web client interface
How to start a B/A Client GUI session:
Start a GUI session using one of the following methods:
- Click the Windows Start button and select Programs → Tivoli Storage Manager → Backup Archive GUI.
- Click the Windows Start button and select Run, then enter the full path to the backup client executable file (dsm.exe).
- On the command line, change directory to the Tivoli Storage Manager installation directory and enter dsm.
- On Windows Vista, when you log on as an administrator, you are running as a standard user. If you open a command prompt without running as an administrator, you will be asked for consent to run dsm.
Tivoli Storage Manager locates the client options file (dsm.opt) and starts with the options specified in that file.
How to start a B/A Client command-line session:
You can start a command-line session using one of the following methods.
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If all DSM environment variables are set, you can enter the dsmc command from any directory; otherwise, enter the fully qualified path.
- Open the Windows Start menu and select Programs→ Tivoli Storage Manager → Backup Client Command Line.
- On the command line enter dsmc followed by the command, to execute a single command (batch mode).
- On the command line enter dsmc. This places you in interactive mode, permitting you to run several commands without preceding each with dsmc.
Your Tivoli Storage Manager administrator can require you to use a password to connect to the server. You can start a client command session in either batch or interactive mode. Below Video demonstrates the installation and configuration of the Tivoli storage Manager 6.4 Backup-archive Client.
How to start a B/A Client Web client session:
After installing the Web client on your workstation you can use the Web client to perform backup, archive, restore, and retrieve operations from any browser that is running Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5 or 1.4.x, where x is greater than or equal to 1. The Web client facilitates the use of assistive devices for users with disabilities and contains improved keyboard navigation. The native look and feel of the platform running the browser is preserved. The Web client will use most desktop font and color settings when run in browsers on Windows platforms.
Also Read: Installation and configuration steps of TSM Journal Based Backup
Also Read: Installation and configuration steps of TSM Journal Based Backup
The Web client runs in the following browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher with JRE 1.5 or 1.4.x , where x is greater than or equal to 1
To run the Web Client from Mozilla browsers, Enable JavaScript must be checked. This setting is enabled by default, but to verify it:
- Open Mozilla's Edit menu and select Preferences.
- In the Preferences dialog under Category, select Advanced, then Scripts & Plugins.
- Ensure there is a check mark next to Enable JavaScript for Navigator.
- Open the Tools menu and select Internet Options
- From the Internet Options dialog, select the Security tab.
- Click the Web content zone in which you will be using the Storage Manager Web client and then click the Custom Level button.
- In the Security Settings dialog, ensure that Enable is selected under the Scripting of Java applets setting.
If your browser does not have the correct JRE level, the Web client will notify you and if possible, will try to automatically install the correct JRE for you.
- The Web Client will let you know if your browser does not have the correct JRE level. For Microsoft Internet Explorer on Windows platforms, the Web client will automatically download and install JRE 1.4.x, where x is greater than or equal to 1
If you have JRE 1.3.0 or lower installed, consider the following:
- Uninstall any existing JREs before installing the new JRE.
- Do not install the new JRE in the same directory as the existing JRE. This can cause JRE-related problems or crashes.
You can download and install JRE 1.5 or 1.4.x, where x is greater than or equal to 1 (unless otherwise noted), manually from the appropriate URL:
- For Windows:
Proxy server users: The JRE 1.4.x , where x is greater than or equal to 1 might return a security exception or a class not foundexception if the Storage Manager Web Client attempts to open a TCP/IP socket to a socks server to communicate with the Storage Manager Remote Client Agent. To avoid this, you can use one of the following methods to bypass a proxy server, allowing the Web client to establish a direct connection to the Agent system:
- Change your Java plug-in settings:For Windows:
- Open the Windows Start menu and select Settings → Control Panel.
- In the Control Panel, double-click Java Plugin.
- In the Java Plug-In Control Panel, select the Proxies tab and uncheck the Use browser settings check box.
Additional information about running Swing applets can be found in Sun's Java Tutorial:
You can back up and restore your own data, or a Tivoli Storage Manager administrator can centralize the backup or restore operations of many clients.
To use the Web client, specify the URL of the client workstation running the Web client in your Web browser. You also need to specify the HTTPport number defined on the client workstation; the default is 1581. For example:
Note: Entering a different URL or pressing the browser Back button during an operation disconnects the Web client and causes the current operation to end. However, Tivoli Storage Manager backup and restore activities running in conjunction with a NAS box will continue after disconnect.
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